Sunday, November 29, 2009


It was a busy weekend in the lonely bookworm household. The christmas lights are up outside, the christmas decorations and christmas tree are up inside and most importantly one entire year after my wonderful husband started building my bookshelves they are finally complete!!! No more books stacked on the floor or stored away in boxes they are all up on shelves. These are the ones he built for me in our bedroom. They are not completely finished but they are complete enough to hold books.

Then I stole my old bookshelves from my parents house to handle the overflow and lucky me I only filled two of the three so I have an entire shelf of space left.

I also had my husband and my father move my humongous reading chair from downstairs up into our extra room (my reading room) upstairs.

I'm definitely in my happy place this weekend :)


Hilcia said...

Oh wow! That's gorgeous... you must be a happy camper. I know I would be. :) Lucky lady.

Wendy said...

Wowzers, your shelves are awesome! I wonder if I can talk My Man into doing something like that? Although in earthquake prone California, it might be a tad dangerous :)

~ames~ said...

I love it!!

Awesome shelves. :P And kudos to having a man who supports your reading habit to such an extent. LOL

novelnelle said...

Hilcia - I am very lucky even if it took an entire year to get them they are there and they are awesome :)

Wendy - I'm not sure if a few hundred books hanging over your head while you sleep is very safe in an earthquake zone :) As it is my dad had to inspect and haul on every shelf to make sure they weren't going to fall over on our heads. My poor husband so little faith in his work. I can climb up those baby's so they are definitely safe for our anti-seismic activity zone.

Ames - Thanks - they are awesome aren't they. Fortunately my husband knew what he was getting into and supports my reading habit %100. Even if he won't read a book to save his life.

Kristie (J) said...

Isn't it wonderful to get the books out of the boxes and onto shelves??? When I got my library done, it was just WONDERFUL to be able to just look on the shelf for a book I felt like rereading instead of hunting through boxes and boxes and finding the book I wanted in the last box!!
I love looking at other book readers book shelves. It's visual confirmation that there are others out there like me!!